Saturday, January 1, 2011

Farewelling David Willie, Dr. Peter Kaminiel and their families

By Kanau Sion

David Willie had been the incumbent president of the PNGWA Wantok Association based here in Perth. He had been elected in 2008 with the task of providing direction and leadership to the members of the PNG community. Mr. Willie is a chemist by profession and until recently worked for a Perth based company. He and his very jolly talkative, yet well mannered wife Helen and children had blended in real well with the PNG community of Perth and also within regional WA and had also given a lot of their time and efforts to doing good and promoting the PNG Wantok Association. Mr. Willie's work here in Perth had come to conclusion and so he and his family were to depart Perth.
Mathew Gare flanked by Mr. & Mrs. Willie

Also departing Perth for PNG was Dr. Peter Kaminiel and his family. Dr. Kaminiel, a medical doctor by profession, was no stranger to Perth as he had, some time back, accompanied his wife here during her two year studentship. Only this time, the good doctor returned for a year from beginning of 2010 for further professional training at Perth's two premier hospitals - the Royal Perth Hospital and Hollywood Hospital (no connection to America's Hollywood where stars of movies are made filthy rich). Dr. Kaminiel and his family also gelled pretty well with the PNG community and the good Dr. in his short stay, was instrumental in organizing certain activities during the PNG's 35th independence anniversary but chief amongst others is his initiating of the health and well-being program, a concept to promote healthy living among the PNG community members. In a nutshell, both men and their families were invaluable to the PNGWA Wantok Association in the way they played their respective roles and responsibilities.
Dr. Peter Kaminiel & wife

Sunday the 26th of December (2010) was boxing day. For whatever reason this day is called 'boxing day' ..... I have absolute no clue let alone its history. All I have known is that it is the first day after Christmas and a common practice whereby families and friends reunite, and catch up on things missed. For the Wantok Association, it was a perfect time to gather and farewell the Willies and the Kaminiels. It was also a perfect conclusion to 2010, the year that has been which saw a handsome turn out of members of the PNG community. Apart from fare -welling our friends we also just wanted to mingle and enjoy the wantok atmosphere and recommit to our association for 2011.
Part of the PNG community

The Willies and Kaminiels had been an integral part of the PNG community here in Perth. Living away from home and saying good bye to those who have contributed to one's comfort and tranquility is like losing a limb. Nevertheless, as they say, all good things come to an end and so too the two families had accomplished their purpose of being in Perth and had to bid farewell. Dr. Kaminiel returns to Taurama were he serves as the PNG Defense Forces' senior medical doctor.
Joanne, Lucille, Fifi & Mrs.Helen Willie

Mrs. Meli; Mrs. Kaminiel & Mr.s Tarai
David Willie's next assignment is unclear as he confided in his farewell message. However, with the wealth of experience and training over the years, we can easily deduce that the closing of this chapter in his work life will certainly be an opening to another fantastic one. To both gentlemen with amazing qualities, we all salute and thank you for your contributions. For this we are greatly indebted. The Willies departed on the 28th and the Kaminiels the 29th December 2010 in time to be welcomed back home by their loved ones and

celebrate new year 2011.
Francis Kalukal; Jeff Selan & Leila

Kids on crocodile

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